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Application of Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method for Solving Linear Boundary Value Problems Differential Equation
The objective of this study are to apply the OHAM to find approximate solutions of singular two-point boundary value problems comparisons with exact solutions and other method like spline method were made. The results of equations studied using OHAM solutions were significantly reliable.
Binary Linear Codes and Binary Matrices
In [1], the automorphism group of a binary linear code is computed by identifying it with one of its optimal generator matrices. This identification is effective for the computation of the automorphism group of a binary linear code. As application, we show in this work that the automorphism group of the ...
On the Effect of Stochastic Extra Contribution on Optimal Investment Strategies for Stochastic Salary Under the Affine Interest Rate Model in a DC pension Fund
The essence of this research is to study the optimal investment strategy for a plan contributor in a defined contribution (DC) pension scheme, with stochastic salary and stochastic extra contribution, under the affine interest rate model. We considered the Nigerian Pension Reform Act of 2004 which allow ...
New modification Sentinel for Linear Parabolic Equation
The purpose of this article is, firstly, to modify the old definition of the sentinel, introduced by J.L. Lions, so that we can separate the control support to the observation support and, secondly, to identify the pollution terms which arise in regular problems which are modeled by a linear parabolic ...
A Model of Oral and Parenteral Drug Administration with Control
Drug administration is largely a frontier in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Kinetics and dynamics are of science in general, and therefore issues on drug administration may be of interdisciplinary interest. This paper treated pharmacokinetics from the standpoints of a subject-specific drug administration ...
Mathematical Modeling of Transmission Dynamics and Optimal Control of Isolation, Vaccination and Treatment for Hepatitis B Virus
In this paper we formulate an SEICR (Susceptible- Exposed- Infective- Carrier- Recovered) model of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) disease transmission with constant recruitment. The threshold parameter R0 <1, known as the Basic Reproduction Number was found. This model has two equilibria, disease-free equilibrium ...
Optimal Investment Policy in a Pension Fund System with Return Clause and Multiple Assets under Volatility Risks
The essence of this work is to study the optimal investment policy in a defined contribution pension scheme with return clause of contributions under volatility risks. In our model, the pension fund managers are mandated to return the accumulated contributions of members who die during the accumulation ...
Optimal Follow Up Designs for Fractional Partial Differential Equations with Application to a Convection-Advection Model
As the mathematical properties of Fractional Partial Differential Equations are rapidly being developed, there is an increasing desire by researchers to employ these models in real world data oriented contexts. The main barrier to employing these models is the choice of the fractional order alpha. Recently, ...